
Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Almost all dieticians say, "The more the juice you drink, the quicker will be the results and benefits."
Some experts inform us that there is no harm involved and only benefits to be derived from taking large quantities of fresh juice. The consumption of fruit-juices in large quantities has no ill effects. Dr. Henry Sherman, an eminent scientist and dietician, is of the opinion that the more you drink the juices of various fruits and vegetables regularly with planning, the quicker will be the relief from diseases.
When a person goes on a raw vegetable or fruit-juice diet, it is usually because he has abused his body for 50-60 or even more years. To undo the harm of wrong eating and wrong living for all those years, large quantities of juices are required. Those with wide experience and who have conquered diseases including terminal malignancies, state that 5 litres of juice per day and even more is not too much. But this quantity is for those who desire to live solely on a juice-diet for longer time. In general, a partaker of juice-diet should drink minimum 2-3 litres of juice per for improving and maintaining his health.
Half or three-quarters of litre of juice should be taken 5-6 times a day, with an interval of 2-2 hours. One who has a good health and has adopted juice-diet to maintain it should also take at least a litre of juice of various fruits and vegetables per day. A partaker of raw food and dried fruits need not take large quantities of juices.
The juices of ginger, onions and green turmeric being highly concentrated and strong are restricted to not more than 20-25 ml per day.
A tablespoonful of garlic juice is sufficient for a day. Similarly, the consumption of coriander and basil juices should not exceed 20-25ml per day. Water is required to be added while extracting certain juices.
A person who decides to live solely only on juice-diet in order to get rid of certain chronic and dangerous diseases should take daily 5-6 litres of juice of various fruits and vegetables. Juice-diet then prevents physical energy from being consumed in digestion. Later, after the health is improved, he can start taking raw food, dried fruits, etc. with a gradual decrease in the quantity of juices. The daily maintenance quantum of juices is 1-1 litres.
The time limit of juice diet
A partaker of juice-diet would naturally ask a question: "How long juice-diet should be continued?" There is another question also: "Can anyone live on juice-diet for a long time?" Yes, a person can live his entire life on juice-diet and wheat grass juice and yet maintain health and energy.Then, how can we obtain carbohydrates, fats, protein, sugar and other various constituents of food necessary for the body? Proteins and sugar may be obtained from juices, but it is not feasible to get fats from a juice-diet. Vitamins, minerals and enzymes are available from juices.
Juice-diet cannot satisfy protein requirement of the body throughout life. Juice-diet is also costly. It is a characteristic of human nature always wanting variety. We will be tired of living on only juice-diet leaving off tasty and delicious meals.
In view of all the reasons and conditions above, the time-limit of and discretion in the use of juice-diet can be determined as follows:
1. Prolonged juice-diet is necessary for relief from chronic and dangerous diseases.
2. After the cure of disease, there should be a gradual decrease in the quantity of juice-diet and raw food is included in the diet.
3. Cooked food can be taken once or twice a week, especially for satisfying the palate.
4. If one wants to give rest to the digestive system and save the physical energy, one can take juice-diet according to one's need.
5. If you want to keep the body and mind ever healthy and active, a combination of juice-diet with raw or cooked food is desirable because it serves 2 purposes - health and satisfaction of palate.
6. Juice-diet taken for a week or a fortnight once or twice a year cleanses the body and cures minor diseases.
7. Juice-diet should be combined with raw food, sprouted pulses, grains, dried fruits, etc. for maintenance of good health.
'Juice-fasting' means to live purely on juices. One cannot live a whole life only on juice-diet/fasting. It is true that, if you take fruit and vegetable-juices throughout life, you can live. But permanent juice fasting excessively weakens the digestive system, the teeth, the muscles and other organs. Therefore, one should not resolve to live on juice-diet alone for the whole life.
Nevertheless, it should be remembered that, if juice-diet is adopted for the cure of disease, it should be continued in a limited quantity even after the disease has been has been cured. After the relief from disease, one should not be careless to the body, for carelessness to the body is injurious to health.
Juice-diet is a rejuvenator of the body and bestower of heath and vitality. If one continues taking it regularly in a fixed quantity, one's life will be happy, peaceful, efficient and healthy.

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