
Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Vegetables For Juicing

With rare exceptions, any vegetable we can cook will give us grater nutrition if eaten raw. I think we would be chewing all the time to process that much vegetable fiber. Because most vegetables are 80% or more water, juicing will make the nutrients much more usable in your body than eating the whole food. While Fruits act as cleansers of our systems, Vegetables act as builders of cells and tissues. Vegetable juices are so good for soothing the nerves and to gently carry away toxic and accumulated waste matter. Raw Vegetable juices are good for many common health problems. Drink vegetable juice at least half an hour after meals. Follow the general rule to not drink vegetable juices before meals or with fruit juices. The very soluble minerals that are found in vegetables, like calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, and potassium maintain the acid base balance of the body tissues. They help the absorption of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food. They also help the body to eliminate wastes, liquids, and salts. Dr. Norman Walker has given us some good guidelines about the nutrients found in different foods.
Here are some of the common vegetables and something about the good they do in the body:
Alfalfa has traditionally been used as feed for cattle and other animals. It is a little known fact that carrots used to be used in this way and now they are widely used for human consumption. Alfalfa is becoming used more and more for human consumption as well. Only the leaves should be used for juice and salads. It is very rich in nitrogen, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
ASPARAGUS is rich in silicon, lots of potassium, sodium, manganese, iron and some phosphorus. Because it is a strong cleanser especially for the kidneys and bladder, it should be used in moderation. This vegetable is better for you eaten raw or juiced because it has a tendency to irritate the kidneys when cooked. Just one serving of asparagus supplies almost 66% of the daily recommended intake of foliate which is very good for heart health and a birth defect fighter. Asparagus has been used to treat problems with swelling, such as arthritis and rheumatism, and may also be useful for PMS-related water retention. Asparagus has inulin which helps promote friendly bacteria in our large intestine.
BEETS contain potassium, iron, sodium and manganese. They are much better for you if you eat the tops and roots together and raw. The tops of beets are very rich in manganese which helps the iron work in building the liver and the blood. Beet juice is powerful and strong so don't start out drinking more than a cup full a day until your body gets used to it. Raw they are especially good for constipation, menstrual problems, and early menopause. Beet juice is a potent inhibitor of cell mutations caused by nitrosamines which are found in processed meats. Beets are rich in foliates which are associated with heart health and birth defect protection.
BROCCOLI is rich in potassium, phosphorous and sulfur. Raw is best for Broccoli, and stems should be used as well as the tops. They are wonderful juiced or chopped and ground for salads. Broccoli is a very good cleanser and tends to reduce body weight.
BRUSSELS SPROUTS are very high in sulfur and phosphorus, and rich in potassium. Because they contain so much sulfur they should be used sparingly and they are best for the body raw. They contain 3 times more sulfur than cabbage.
CABBAGE, both the red and white, are valuable ingredients in a salad but only in reasonable quantities, because the sulfur and chlorine content is high. Red cabbage has 50% more sulfur than white. White cabbage has about 65% more potassium, nearly ten times more iron and about three times as much silicon as the red cabbage. If not properly chewed, cabbage will cause gas, and if you combine cabbage with vinegar, salt, or sugar it can irritate the digestive tract.
CARROTS are one of our most complete foods. Finely grated pulp of raw carrots is one of the most soothing, efficient ways to heal a diseased colon. Raw carrots contain all the elements and all the vitamins that are required by the human body. This is not true of cooked carrots. Carrot juice is a good cleanser of bile and waste matter coagulated in the liver from years of wrong eating. If the skin becomes discolored, after drinking carrot and other juices, it is a result of coagulated bile in the liver dissolving so fast that sluggish kidneys and bowels were not able to take care of its elimination quickly enough, resulting in the lymph carrying this toxic matter out the pores of the skin. If this happened to me I would be grateful to have the cleanse going on rather than the alternative. Drinking raw carrot juice will bring relief to eyes and reduce fatigue resulting from working or driving in bright lights.
CAULIFLOWER is very good to eat raw. It is high in potassium, phosphorous and sulfur, and protein. Like other members of the cabbage family, it has the tendency to irritate the kidneys if you eat too much. It is nourishing and used sparingly is good for you.
CELERY, the stalks along with the green leaves should be used because in addition to very high sodium content they contain insulin. Celery, our best food for organic sodium chloride, has four plus times more organic sodium than calcium. This is why raw celery juice is a wonderful drink for hot weather. It provides organic salt which is much better for the body than inorganic salt. It helps with nerves, sleeplessness, and sobering a drunk. Eating too much starch leaves deposits of inorganic calcium in our bodies. When we eat celery the organic sodium in celery aids in maintaining the inorganic calcium in solution until at least some of it can be eliminated from the body before it accumulates and causes trouble. The high magnesium and iron content of celery is good for the blood cells.
CHIVES are fairly high in protein and carbohydrate, rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sulfur. They stimulate the digestion, and are valuable as a blood cleanser but they are a strong diuretic, so they should be used in moderation, especially by those who have trouble with their kidneys.
CUCUMBERS are recognized as a valuable health food. They are tasty and refreshing when crisp. Cucumbers are very high in potassium, iron and magnesium. They also contain a relatively high percentage of silicon and fluorine. They are good for the gall bladder, liver, kidneys, hair, teeth and nails. Cucumbers should be peeled or scored with a fork as the skin is not easy to chew or digest.
DANDELION greens are a good source of potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium. Dandelions nourish the bone structure and help the health of the teeth. It is good for the lymph and helps release toxins through the skin pores. Dandelion is a cold loving plant that will have a mild flavor if harvested in the cold months. It will become bitter if grown through the hot months. It is helpful and nutritional in many organs of the body so combine with carrot juice for a milder flavor juice in hot months. Blossoms are high in Vitamin D and roots are good for the kidneys.
ENDIVE is another cold loving plant that helps the body in ways similar to the dandelion. This vegetable aids the liver and spleen. Rich in potassium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus, the juice of endive, particularly when added to the juices of carrots, celery and parsley, is very nourishing to the optic system.
FENNEL is a very alkalizing food, aiding in loosening up mucous or phlegm conditions. It helps to stimulate the digestive processes. It is a good diuretic. It has high sodium content and is rich in potassium and iron. The editable part is the bulbous part of the plant.
GARLIC is beneficial to the lymph, aiding in eliminating noxious waste matter from the body. It will probably increase body-odor until the toxic waste has been sufficiently eliminated. It is a good cleanser of the mucus membrane which would include the lungs, sinuses, nose and throat. This makes it great for heart conditions and asthma. It stimulates the kidneys and helps with high blood pressure. It also helps stimulate the peristaltic action in digestion. Use with parsley or mint juice to help with the odor problem.
HORSERADISH root is one of our most valuable concentrated natural foods. It contains one of the most efficient solvents of mucus, or phlegm, in the system, particularly that in the sinuses and nasal cavities, because of the penetrating nature of ether of the mustard oils it contains. Because it is so strong, ground horseradish root should not be taken in larger quantities than ½ teaspoon at a time. Just a whiff of it will clear my sinuses.
KALE is another cold loving plant and quite possibly could be grown through the winter months if protected. It belongs to the cabbage family and is high in sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, and potassium. It is valuable as a cleanser and is rich in vitamins. It should be eaten when young and tender. Best when harvested in cold weather.
LEEKS are suppliers of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine and sulfur. They are high in vitamins B and C. Leeks clean the system and the blood, aid the stimulation of the pancreas and the secretion of digestive juices. They help the muscles work better, particularly when they overloaded with uric acid due to the frequent or large consumption of meat. They should be used often in large quantities.
LETTUCE is one of our most valuable foods because of the large organic water content, and because of the high potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron the different varieties contain. Lettuce is also rich in organic silicon and fluorine. The most nutritious way to eat it is eaten raw or juiced without condiments and seasonings. You will get an abundance of juice and it is one of the best things you can give your nerves and muscles because of the nutrients it contains. Of all vegetables, lettuce is #3 in nutrients behind carrots (1) and alfalfa (2). The outer leaves that we most often discard are the most nutritious. Don't want to eat them? Juice them. This food is very valuable for stimulating metabolism.
SEA LETTUCE is a marine plant, like kelp, that is high in organic iodine. It is found finely ground and you should use no more than one-fourth teaspoonful daily. Try mixing it with a pint of raw vegetable juice. Making a drink of carrot, celery, parsley and spinach, and one-fourth teaspoon of powdered Sea Lettuce is a good aid for diseases of the thyroid gland.
MUSTARD GREENS are a good cleansing food, particularly if the leaves are young. Eaten raw they are valuable for the nutrients they contain.
NETTLES, though not popular because of the stinging nature, are good for their nutrition. They have high vitamins, potassium, calcium and sodium.
OKRA soothes inflammation of the intestines. Add them to your juice drink to soothe irritations of the colon, bladder and kidneys. Okra is high in calcium and has 20% sodium content.
ONIONS are beneficial to the mucous membrane. They are rich in carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, silicon, phosphorus and iron.
PARSLEY is one of the most potent foods of the common vegetable kingdom. It is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and chlorine. Parsley is so fibrous it is difficult to extract all the nutrients from the fibers. The juice is good for the optic system, kidneys, bladder, urethra and genital organs. It should be consumed with meat to help rid the body of the uric acid produced in the digestion of the meat. It is also helpful for swollen glands, swollen breasts and to dry up milk.
PARSNIPS contain potassium, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine. Parsnips actively help the urinary system, bladder, and provide relief for kidney stones. The tops are rich in mineral elements, but can be mistaken for the wild variety which contains poisons very detrimental to the body. The whole cultivated parsnips plant can be used for eating. Raw is very good for you. Try juicing, chopping or grinding parsnips.
PEAS eaten fresh are very good for you. They are high in potassium and magnesium. Young fresh peas with the pods are good juiced or in salads but be sure to remove the stem and string them. Fresh peas juiced with their pods will be good for the pancreases.
PEPPERS, the sweet ones, whether green, red, yellow, or another color are high in silicon and fluorine which help the skin, nails and hair. The juice can be added to carrot juice to make a nourishing drink. Hot peppers are different and care must be taken when using and handling them as they can irritate body membranes. Cayenne peppers, fresh or ground are so good for many things. They can do everything from killing cancer cells in the prostate, lungs, and pancreas to immediately stopping a heart attack within 30 seconds and much more. Cayenne is best used in small doses.
POTATOES are very rich in potassium, and vitamins A, B and C. Not very many vegetables have as much vitamin C as raw potatoes. I don't much like potato juice but it is purported to be the best thing for pneumonia. Although we all like our potatoes cooked, they aren't nearly as good for us because cooking creates an acid product for the body. It is not good to combine them cooked with meat proteins. Fried is really bad for the liver and gall bladder. Sweet potatoes contain 20% more carbohydrates than the Irish variety, lower potassium and higher sodium, calcium, silicon and chlorine. They also are much better for you eaten raw.
PUMPKINS are rich in sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, chlorine and phosphorus. They are laxative in action and diuretic while they do not irritate the kidneys. Raw pumpkin is delicious, as is juiced pumpkin. It is low in carbohydrates. SQUASH and pumpkin are members of the melon family. They are similar in nutrients and uses in the body.
RADISHES may be discussed as 1. large, or 2. small. The large ones have half the mineral content that the smaller ones do. The small ones are high in potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus and sulfur. The large radishes are high in silicon. Radishes contain volatile ether that acts as a solvent for mucus or phlegm. They also have enzymes that help the secretion of digestive juices. Because they are a diuretic they are valuable in cleaning the kidneys and bladder. The juices of radishes and carrot are an aid to clean and heal the digestive system and the respiratory organs.
RUTABAGAS are high in potassium, Vitamins B, C, and some A. They are like Turnips.
SPINACH is a valuable leafy vegetable. It has high organic iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Fresh raw spinach juice will aid in digestion and elimination in the body. Spinach juice nourishes cells, tissues, and nerves that help with normal elimination. If you combine Carrot and Spinach juice it will reestablish the muscle tone of the intestines. The organic oxalic acid in raw spinach is helpful to stimulate the peristaltic action of the intestines. When spinach is cooked it changes the oxalic acid to inorganic which can form into crystals in the kidneys
TURNIPS come in white and yellow varieties. The yellow turnip has a much stronger flavor than the white. They are high in potassium. The leaves are high in calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. It is nutritious to juice the tops and the roots. They help the bones and cartilage. Combine the juice of turnip leaves with carrot and dandelion for a great food aid for teeth, bones and cartilage in all ages.
WATERCRESS is high in sulfur, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and chlorine. It is a powerful cleanser. Raw watercress juice freshly made is too potent to drink alone. Combine with carrot, spinach and turnip leaves juice for a blood cleanser. It has been used to dissolve the coagulated fibrin in the blood vessels which cause hemorrhoids and other tumors.
Vegetables are as good as medicine, maybe even better. There are many laxatives, sedatives and sleep inducers among the vegetables. Vegetables like onion, radish and celery are a tonic for the nerves. Most vegetables will make good juices, but some are better than others. We can divide vegetable juices into three types. These are (1) Juices from vegetable fruits, (2) Juices from green leafy vegetables, and (3) Juices from root. Here is a general rule for combining different vegetable juicer. You can combine vegetables from category 1 and 2 or from 2 and 3, but not 1 and 3. Vegetable juice from fresh raw vegetables is good for all cells and tissues of the body to give you enzymes and elements that are needed. When you drink fresh vegetable juices you will give your body the nutrients in the most easily digested and assimilated form. For making up a vitamin and mineral deficiency you cannot beat this method of getting what you need.

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